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The Struggle of Finding the Right Domain




Yesterday, I bought the domain names , and from now on, this will be my blog domain until the change it to another later on. But finding the domain name, and for the right price is not an easy job.

Struggle of finding the right domain provider

Many domain name providers try to lure people by showing a very cheap price for the first year, but that's a TRAP, and here's why.

First, by showing you a really cheap price for the first year they will aquire you, and then you will be locked with them forever, and from then, they can charge you any X amount after the first year ends. Or they might use some other strategies like taking a high tax and fees along with the main price, which actually nullifies all the benefits, you thought, you will be getting from them. Also, you will be paying a high price for the domain name, after the first year ends.

The domain hording problem

You know why .com domains are so tough to find? the main reason is domain hoarding. You all won't believe but many people actually a living by doing these. They first catchup with the trends, do some research (which seems like they are doing a good thing but it's not) and then buys up all the domains that people might actually buy; then they will sell those domains at a higher price, which is why the .com domain names are so heavily inflated.

While you all might think, what's the problem in that, since what they are doing is completely legal, so let me remind you all some things things from the past (not too much, just a few years)

It's the time of late 2019, when web3, and crypto market was booming, many people started mining cryptocurrencies and literally started hoarding the GPUs for which the GPU prices literally skyrocketed, and to this day, the GPUs are almost inaccessable for a small PC owner like me and many others.

Now you all got, why I was against domain hoarding? This was the reason. Doing this in small quantities is not a big deal, but when it starts to impact the industry, then it's the time, when things starts to mess up.

So, how was I able to to buy ?

Well..., I started to do research the different types of names, using many names generators, literally even thinking about Goofy names, that might be relevant to my niche. Before Zenith's Tech, this site's name was Zenith Web, but the name sounds like a very narrow part of my work, so I had to trim it off. Then I thought let's find some .tech domains, but then, those were expensive and was out of my budget, then atlast, I thought to buy an oldschool .com domain, since a .com can represent almost every sector, where I might go in the future. So it opened a lot of doors for me.

Then I started searching for a .com domain name with different permutations and combinations of names I made using various name generators and my own research on Godaddy. And finally I landed on, which was not only affordable in my budget range, but also the recurring fees that I will need to pay every year was not that high. Which is why I didn't wasted a second and bought the domain on Sunday, Yesterday.

The Future

Since, I bought this domain fully and has complete control over it, you all might find me using this domain by creating various subdomains for several of my projects, which I will release in the coming days, so stay tuned for that!

Ending Note: Whenever you purchase a domain, do a thorough and deep research before buying one, also checking the credebility of the domain provider, which in my case was Godaddy.