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My Transition to Data Science


Data science image


So recently, I was searching for jobs in the fullstack domain, where I did find many jobs but all those had a problem i.e. they were either paying extremely low or they require a high level of experience (typically around 5 years), which became a problem for people like me who are new learners (or people who have little to no experience).

Secondly one major problem I am facing i.e. in my local area, there aren't that many jobs (pretty much non-existent regarding coding), which is why I might need to move to a metropolitan area for doing any sort of coding related job, but then comes the income problem; there I will be paying rent(which is going to be enormously high), pay for my food, medical costs will be also pretty much high, and as I said before the pay is very less, and I will end up being broke within a month or two. So right now I am pretty much confused what to do right now about this situation.

Lastly, the competition. In fullstack development, since the entry barrier is very low, I will be having a lot of competition during the interview rounds, which will then come down to experience level and degree, which is why getting a job in the fullstack will a very tough job in itself, keeping aside the paycheck problem, which is why I am transitioning my career from fullstack to data science, and eventually becoming a data scientist.

Why I chose to become a data scientist? Will it be worth?

I am not sure about the second question, it is a FUTURE ME concern, not the TODAY ME. Talking about the data science, the only 2 things that attracted me here is data and the salary.

In data science, since it's considerably harder than fullstack, there will be less competion and a better paycheck, and

Secondly, it's about data, and the best part of it is that I will be exposed to a lot of data that I will get, which would a get way for me to learn new things about the industry and the insights of what people are demanding etc etc.

Alongwith, it requires other skills like presentation skills and public speaking(which I have, thanks to my college, and I pretty much good at it) and that's why I feel that it would be a great career path for me...

My current update

Currently I have taken 2 udemy courses of data science and machine learning.

The skills that I currently learned are: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, python (which I already know), linux commands (which I learned from youtube), Microsoft Excel, scikit-learn(not completely yet).

And the skills that I am yet to learn are: tensorflow, scikit-learn, some graphs and algebra, pymongo, SQLAlchemy, a little bit of sql.

That's it for today, and wish my luck 🤧