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My DSA Joruney with Javascript, Day 1


DSA in javascript

So, why did I start DSA?

In the industry, there are several people, like you and me, who are software engineers but since there are so many of them, it's hard for the interviewer to choose which is the best candidate, and that's where DSA comes in.

DSA questions are genrally used in interviews to test the candidate's ability to solve real life complex problems.

I know that sounds like a some professional BS, but that's what it is. The job market today has become so tough, that having a good college, good grades, projects, and internships are still not enough of Big Companies (like Microsoft, Google, Meta in general) because of how many people are applying for them.

Is it required for every developer out there?

The answer is a Big NO!

If you are targeting for startups, then there literally no need for you to learn DSA, you can just make good projects, apply for internships and that's it, but it's subject to change.


Because of the increasing demand from the corporates, a huge abundance of developers, and lack of skilled developers.

See, it's always a good practice to learn DSA, because you never know, maybe in the next 5-10 years, the job market becomes so tough that even small startups might require you DSA.

And I will be honest with you, it's already started to happen!

In the past few days, I have applied for several internships, got till the interview round and failed to secure the internship due to not being able to perform well in the interviews; mind you that it has nothing to do with my english speaking skills, cause it's already good. I generally fail to give a proper for the questions, because I am self taught developer, which is why I never studied any theoretical concepts...

Now what?

I have now started my DSA journey from now on in javascript.

I will try to give an update through blog every single day, till it over, so you all might expect a decrease in the blog contents and quality, but I guess it's worth it.


Because, I will be updating every single day, on what I have learned, maybe even share a few notes, which might be helpful to you, if you want to learn DSA in javascript.

How to follow my DSA joruney?

On the top left (on desktop) or on the botton, you will find a TAGS section. There you will find a tag named dsa.

Just follow dsa tag, and you will be good to go..

Wish me luck 🤞 to complete this DSA course.

BTW, I bought the course from Udemy..